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Four Tips for ACLS Exam Studying Success

Standardized tests aren’t just for applying to college anymore. Several professions, such as those in the healthcare field, require practicing professionals to take standardized tests for licensing and certification purposes. Therefore, it’s important you prepare for certification tests such as the ACLS exam, in order to be more marketable to potential employers.

Whether you’re taking the ACLS exam for the first time or recertifying, it’s always a good idea to invest some time in exam preparation. Here are four tips for ACLS written exam preparation success.

1. Understand your learning style
Learning styles vary for different people; but understanding how, where and when you best learn can help you better retain the information. Some people study best during the day at a library without interruptions; others may do better work in the evenings at a coffee shop.

Start by asking yourself a simple question: Are you a visual (see), auditory (hear) or kinesthetic (hands-on) learner? Not sure what type of learner you are? Think back to the classes you took in high school or college and consider which forms of learning came easiest to you: hands-on activities, lecture style classes or video and photo-driven lessons. Develop study skills and techniques that are tailored to your specific learning style to best prepare for the ACLS exam.

2. Take an active role in the education and ACLS written exam prep process
The more involved you are while preparing for an ACLS written exam, the more likely it is that you’ll receive a high score. Preparation can include completing the necessary coursework, reading related materials and asking questions when you don’t understand a concept or section of the material.

Instead of just trying to cram before an exam, being an active learner can help you remember important information for longer periods of time.

3. Write out your goals and time commitments 
When you’re first beginning to study for an ACLS exam, physically write out your study plan. Include goals and time constraints. Actually writing it out can help you stick to the plan.

Keep your motivation and concentration in check. If you’re not motivated to study, your study session won’t be successful or beneficial. Choose a time of day to study where you’re most motivated to prepare for tests. Also, be aware of distractions, such as the TV and other people, and keep them at bay to make the most of your study time.

4. Practice, practice, practice
Health Ed Solutions has released ACLS practice tests to help healthcare providers and first responders prepare for the ACLS certification or recertification exam. The ACLS certification free practice quiz and ACLS recertification free practice quiz each offer three five-question sample tests. A full certification practice test and recertification practice exam, both complete with 50 timed multiple-choice ACLS sample questions, are available for $35. A portion of this fee can be applied to the purchase price of the full certification course. Practice tests are available at healthedsolutions.com.

Here are two examples of the types of questions you may see on the practice test:

  • What is the correct order for the initial assessment of a person suffering a cardiac arrest?
    • Airway – Circulation/Compressions – Breathing
    • Airway – Breathing – Circulation/Compressions
    • Breathing – Circulation/Compressions – Airway
    • Circulation/Compressions – Airway – Breathing
  • Following the recommendations of the National Institute of Neurologic Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), how much time is the maximum that should pass before the patient is having a CT scan?
    • 10 minutes
    • 1 hour 
    • 25 minutes
    • 45 minutes